Focused and committed to your child’seducational development


We are dedicated to providing your children with the essential tools necessary for them to succeed in the world. We aim to ingrain in them Christian values to live by for the rest of their lives.

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Curriculum Focus

Classic Montessori information is thoroughly documented in all programs. Additionally, we have enriched each course with contemporary ideas and activities that complement the Montessori Method and are a proven benefit to a child’s Montessori education.

For questions and inquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our staff today. Call us at 808-833-8080 or send a message to

Toddler Curriculum

St. Philomena Early Learning Center’s Toddler Program focuses on age-appropriate early childhood education for children 15 months through 3 years old. The toddlers in the class are expected to learn through their own experiences, trial and error, repetition, imitation, and identification, by offering a variety of opportunities and providing a safe, calm, loving environment. We want each child to show growth in the areas of development-social, emotional, and cognitive.

  • Language development and communication skills.
  • Learning how to self-regulate emotions.
  • Learning how to separate from their parent/guardian to the school/new environment.
  • Learning self-care activities, which include eating, dressing, changing, sleeping, and toileting.

Toddler Program Schedule

7:00-7:45 amArrival/Diaper Check/Free Choice
7:45-8:00 amClean-up, Wash hands, Prayer
8:00-8:30 amBreakfast
8:30-8:45 amClean-up/Diaper Check
8:45 am-9:30 amOutdoor play
9:30-9:45 amOutdoor walk to visit the Church
9:45-10:30 amCircle time/ Concentrated work time
10:30-11:00 amLarge group/Wash hands/prayer
11:00-11:45 amLunch
11:45-12:00 pmWash-up/ Get ready for naptime
12:00-1:45 pmNap
1:45-2:00 pmWake-up/Diaper check
2:00-2:30 pmAfternoon snack/End of the school day
2:30-6:00 pmExtended daycare

Preschool Curriculum

St. Philomena Early Learning Center’s Preprimary Program is, first and foremost, a Catholic-Christian early learning center. Daily prayers, weekly religion lessons, and monthly prayer services are a part of the curriculum. SPELC uses the Montessori philosophical approach. Our program allows activity-centered learning with children who are mixed ages from 3-5 years old. We want each child to show growth in the areas of development- social, emotional, and cognitive.

  • Practical Life – Assists the child in the development of learning to attend to a task, organize, and pursue it to completion.
    • Develop fine and gross motor control and coordination.
    • Develop skills of independence.
    • Develop a positive behavior and attitude towards people and things.
    • Develop eye-hand coordination.
  • Sensorial – Bring awareness to the child’s functions of his/her senses in the environment
    • Develop observations, comparison, discrimination, seriation, association, and generalization.
  • Language – Develops reading, writing, and language skills that extend throughout all areas of the learning environment.
  • Math – Develops skills in math which extends throughout all areas of the learning environment.
  • Cultural/Science – Cosmic and environmental studies
  • Music/Art – Develops skills to allow children opportunities to sing, dance, and the freedom for creativity.
  • Technology – Monitored the use of technology to demonstrate different media explorations.
7:00-8:15 amArrival/ Independent Work Time
8:15-9:00 amPrayer, Morning Circle, and Breakfast
9:10-9:15 amRestroom
9:30-9:45 amLesson Circle
9:45-10:15 amDaily Activity
10:15-11:00 amRestroom/Outdoor playtime
11:15-11:30 amSet-up Nap mats
11:30-12:00 pmLunch
12:00-12:15 pmRestroom
12:15-1:45 pmQuiet/Nap time
1:45-2:00 pmWake up/Restroom
2:00-2:30 pmAfternoon snack
2:30-6:00 pmExtended daycare